K.K. Slider - K.K. Bossa
i'm an experienced surfer of the web, and also a bit of a hoarder! i spend a lot of time browsing the internet and all it has to offer, so this is where i'll keep all the various links to various websites i've collected over the years i've deemed worthy of sharing with you, beautiful reader! i've gathered all sorts of miscellaneous junk that i've gathered over the years, be it interesting web pages, useful resources, or just cool pictures and gifs that i like. i have a LOT of these, and the web is changing every day, so please let me know if any of these links are broken!
- there will be multiple links to the Internet Archive, because the work they're doing is absolutely top fucking notch and i salute all of the beautiful, wonderful people contributing to such an important library of knowledge.
- i am not being paid for any of these! all of these online resources are COMPLETELY FREE TO USE unless noted otherwise.
these are all links that go to other pages on my site! scroll down for more links to other websites run by other fabulous people!
- first things first - website asset credits!
- here are all of my 88x31 buttons
- i also like to collect blinkies!
- but hey........... if you wanna play some video games... hehehe... well... why don't you take a gander at my dedicated gaming haven? >:3
- this is literally just a plaintext html notepad that you can have in your browser as a tab, but i use it all the time so i'm putting it here. it's great if you need to write a few things down but can't be assed to open a program for it! BE CAREFUL THOUGH it doesn't save anything so when you close that tab it's gone forever!!!
- cloudhiker is a phenomenal resource - it's literally just a button that takes you to random websites, at complete random, but you can find SO much cool stuff just wandering around the web over there. highly reccomend!
- wanna check if a website's down? downforeveryoneorjustme's got your back.
- wanna delete old (potentially embarrassing) accounts? believe me, i understand the feeling.
- terms of service that you always say "i agree" to are always super long and full of dense legalese. this website helps cut that down to a manageable set of bullet points for you to understand!
- ezgif. it's what it says on the tin. you make gifs! it's easy! :D
- tired of recipe blogs rambling for 5390480395 years? me too. it's annoying as heck, just tell me how to make this cake!!
- image resizer! it keeps the image quality so you don't have to worry about blurriness or pixelation!
- get past article paywalls - for reference this doesn't work with EVERY website so your mileage may vary
- SUPER useful calculator/search engine - if you've got any math problems, wolfram alpha's got you!
- what do you need to use to glue one thing to another? well, you can find out here!
- notepad++ is an absolutely vital piece to have in your computer's toolbox. if you ever write anything down for any reason whatsoever on the computer, you need to be using notepad++.
- it's blender. if you do any art digitally you probably know what blender is. still, it's free and really powerful! take it
- a classic graphics text maker! like, you know, ASCII art to write a message but REAL BIG.
- fun kaomojis!
- video game textbox generators!
- fonts!
- glitter text
- more glitter text
- even MORE glitter text!!!
- how about a webcomic? we've got plenty!
- the internet archive's got plenty of scanned books available ONLINE, FOR FREE, including ones you can borrow with your library card!
- buy books for cheap! i use this one like ALL the time, their prices are great and the shipping is super quick. i'm not sponsored i'm just a shill and i love books
- another good place to buy books for cheap!
- discover new artists!
- an excellent collection of terms for different contemporary aesthetics in modern advertising and aesthetics. way more interesting than it sounds i prommy
- the smithsonian!
- sentai monster designs!!!
- the library of congress and their archive!
- queer zine archive
- a digital museum of web design!
- a GIGANTIC pokemon fusion dex! easily one of the coolest projects on the internet.
- in-browser photoshop!
- in-browser ms paint!
- in-browser kidpix!
- figures for figure drawing!
- for uber specific angles that you might need a visual reference for
- like reference angle, but for different animal skulls. pretty neat!
- literally the BEST place EVER to get good stock photos of fun poses
- artifically generated realistic faces!
- a plot generator!
- list of alchemical symbols
- SUPER useful dictionary trust me click on this one
- pretty good name generator, with histories and meanings behind different names!
- absolutely GOD TIER hub for name generators, i use this one ALL the time, there's a million categories and they're all pretty good!
- sfx
- free to use 3d models
- free to use game art
- rpgmaker stuff!
- gif search engine run by the wonderful people over at the internet archive - can be a bit slow sometimes
- this one is just a hub of icons used in win98 os. i have no idea what you'd use these for but it'll probably be cool
- basically every music genre ever!
- a musical time machine, across every country!
- this one's weird, but interesting: take a look for yourself if you wanna try discovering something new and obscure!
- looking for something new? try out this neat little tool! put in 3 bands you like and it'll spit out a reccomendation for you :D
- make your own music!
- music ratings! this website can be pretty harsh, though, be warned...
(if you've been on certain subsections of the internet long enough you've already seen plenty of these, lol...)
- make a heart locket gif!
- community made dollmakers!
- make a lil figurine for dnd, and maybe even buy it as a little figurine!
- explore a digital museum of old 3D video game levels!