test test testy test

originally posted on 6/10/2022, 12:26 PM

hey, this is a blog post. i probably won't be writing in proper grammar or anything because my very specific flavor of internet linguistic usage demands a frankenstein combination of dave-strider-inspired all-lowercase irony poisoned memespeak and a certain je ne sai quois - fuckery with the rules of the english language, as it were, to express myself as accurately as possible, through the filter of human error and my autistic tendency to... be bad at social stuff. lmfao.

that sentence probably doesn't make a lot of sense. that's alright, i think. i'm writing this blog mostly for myself, so i can get out of my shell a little bit. i'd been thinking about doing something like this for a while, but who knows if i'll maintain it at all, or put to any effort in it.

i've been listening to a lot of harley poe lately. reading joe whitford's blog is what sorta kicked my ass in gear to actually act on this urge to post, publicly, the things that i say and think all the time. i have a busy brain and it doesn't like to stop. unofficially diagnosed ADHD, from my therapist, i think it is. or maybe just entropy or something. i don't really know what i'm talking about, haha.

i'm not sure what to title this one

originally posted on 6/10/2022, 1:03 PM

sooo, i guess i have everything set up for this now? all the basics, at least. that's good. a lot of my friends are into using neocities and i just don't have the juice to bother learning html. dunno what i'd even make my website look like if i had that much control over the layout, anyways.

i think this will be good for me, though. i always have too many thoughts in my head and never enough time or social spoons or energy at all to get all of them out. so it's good to express myself, i think.

i am, of course, absolutely dead fucking terrified of putting myself out there. i know full well what the rabid hoards of the internet can look like at it's most cruel. but, like, i'm not a pedophile and i don't plan on sharing my opinions on steven universe, so i think i should be okay. who knows!

after having spent like 90% of my internet career as a habitual lurker, maybe it'll be good for me to get out of my comfort zone a bit. here's hoping nobody rips me to shreds, eh?

probably my last post for today

originally posted on 6/10/2022, 1:43 PM

alright, well, i've started work on a thing about an old poem i've been meaning to write about for ages.

i do kind of wonder if i should just say "fuck it" and, like, do the thing that the impulsive half of me wants to do, which is scan every page of my journals from middle and high school (would take forever and a half) dig through all of my discord DMs from the past several years (would take even longer somehow) share every last embarrassing personal detail i'd had recoreded

so that an archive of my life could exist immaterial, immortal, enshrined in the eternality of the internet

except, like, lol, that's not happening. blogspot's not gonna exist forever, google's not gonna exist forever, and nothing short of carving my words into stone is gonna make my existence immune to the ephemeral nature of being a human.

it does kinda suck though. i mean, i really, REALLY don't want to be forgotten. it's kind of one of my biggest fears. and i'm a forgetful person; i don't like to forget what's happened to me, either.

it's just like... why even make anything at all if nobody's going to look at it? (there's plenty of reasons, but you get my point)

is anyone out there, listening? (redux)

originally posted on 6/14/22 7:35 PM


i've been looking for jobs

i mean, i have, on and off, for the past... mmm... 3 years? 2 and a half years? something like that. it's pretty rough, because i live in a suburban area with like 0 fucking public transport, i can't drive, and walking to places is basically a non option. i'm telling you, man, i fucking lust for the walkability of urban communities like nothing else. i've lived in this same house my entire life, man! this kinda town's just not right for me and it's driving me crazy.

my deep loathing for american suburbia aside, i've been looking for a job.

reading interviews from the likes of like, joe whitford, and john darnielle, and all this other miscellaneous internet garbage that i slurp up like soup, i get this weird sense, of...

i dunno.

a lot of the artists that i like very much have a lot of the same things to say that i do. but they also have a lot of different things to say. this article i'm reading that made me get my ass into gear and keep writing this post is really interesting, especially as a fan of The Mountain Goats in general. i haven't finished reading the article but i'm sure i'll get to that once i'm done writing this, probably. article link:

anyway, so the point i was going to make was this weird kind of abstract incoherent nonsense about how weird it is to read about other people's experiences. because that's kind of what i've been doing all my life, in a sense. i didn't get out a whole lot as a kid, and i still don't, so most of my "life experience" is really just reading people telling their stories on reddit or whatever and pretending like i know anything. the reality of the matter is that i don't know shit or fuck, and in fact i'm pretty sheltered and naive to the ways of the world. so it's not like i've Been Through It, been through The Shit as it were, and it's not like i know how to give life-savingly good advice like someone like fuckin... Ursula K Le Guin would. i dunno, i pulled that name out of my ass, i haven't even read any of their books.

anyway, i don't know what i'm doing with my life. wow, real special of me! in this slow-time apocalypse we're having, there's a person out there who doesn't know what they're doing with their life? Amazing!


man i gotta stop listening to music with lyrics when i write stuff. it makes it a lot harder to focus. i'm listening to 2 mello right now. which you should listen to, by the way, his work's fucking ACE. i guess i'll write that down in the hypothetical "lists of things to talk about when i don't have post ideas": gushing about some of my favorite musicians, like a dork. sure!

alright, ok, so, jobs.

i'm sorta in the middle of the process of getting my shit together. you might have picked up on this, but i'm not the most super successful individual out there on the planet. in fact, i'm kind of a fuckup. but that's all cool, bc so are all the people that i like. i don't like hanging out with people who have had it nothing but good for their whole lives. i was talking about this with a buddy of mine, who i'm not gonna name but i'll call him MUSIC WIZARD so he knows i'm talking about him, about how like, having too much money does something genuinely fucked up to your brain.

man, i'm just in the mood to bitch about my neighborhood tonight, huh? i guess that makes sense. it's not a good place to live. and not for your conventional reasons, either. but like, i don't wanna get too in the mud about that because i'll get pissed and i've got a hard time managing my emotions lately. stress, and all that.



i'm trying to get my life together, you know? i'm going to therapy, i'm actively practicing self improvement where and when i can. it's hard. like, ridiculously uber super mega hard. especially with my specific set of circumstances and how i'm chronically avoidant of things that take effort, and some other stuff that's kinda personal so i'm not gonna get into it.

man, i don't even feel like talking about jobs anymore. i was gonna talk about, like, how i'm super picky about the places i wanna work, because of capitalism and my own prejudices and

ok so i just sort a held on that last sentence for a bit and i completely lost my train of thought. and since this is my blog, where i do what i want, and i write what i want, i can do shit like that. check it out, fuckers. i'm avant garde. i'm top tier shit. you wish you were as postmodern as me. peter jordanson tucker carlson shapiro benman's got NOTHING on the levels of marxist socialist neoliberal... i mean, okay, this was gonna be a 4D advanced political joke about a bunch of figureheads of the right i have personal distaste for, but i'm kinda stoopid and i didn't think too hard before writing down words and now it's just kind of a jumble of random garbage.

as many of my thoughts are.

man, i hope somebody doesn't dig up this blog in 5 years and uses it as meat for a callout post. i'd like to be given a chance to live my life free of harassment, thank you very much. living in the public eye seems like a fucking nightmare, man. can't ever make a mistake, can't ever be a dumb idiot teenager or anything. always have to be at the top of your game. you're a SYMBOL. you're an ICON. a REPRESENTATIVE. it's gotta be dehumanizing.

i haven't smoked in a few days. i mean, i get the urge, but it's more of a psychological self destructive weakpoint than it is an addiction. they're not real cigarettes. like, it's just hemp. it's not even real weed. i wouldn't smoke tobacco either way anyways. fucking hate that shit, it makes me retch. i'm uber sensitive to smells and the smell of weed is kind of comforting, but tobacco, like freshly burnt tobacco, makes me wanna vom. genuinely makes me lightheaded. the smell of tobacco on someone's clothes is kind of nice, though. i still don't think i'd date somebody that smokes.

i wanna keep typing, but i don't know what else to talk about, necessarily. i had therapy today! and i had not ONE but TWO separate instances of breaking down crying, only one of which was during therapy. the other one was afterwards, during a fairly heavy conversation with a friend.

ah, my head hurts a little. just on the side, near my temple. very gentle ache. like a 0.5 on the pain scale, if anything.

i've been itching to get out more, since i kinda highkey don't have a social life outside the internet, but that means going out to places. and, you know. the pandemic. it's still going on, even if people pretend it isn't. nobody fucking wears their masks. shit, i even caught covid myself recently for the first time. i took a test a few days ago and it came up negative, so i think it's out of my system at this point, but i'm too paranoid to go bar hopping or whatever the fuck it is young adults do to make social connections when they don't have any other direct immediate outlets.

there's a bar in walking distance of me, but i'm really reluctant to go. i guess partially because it's a bar, and i'm technically not of drinking age. but it's also a grill, and even though there's a shitty part of me that's being judgemental about the kinds of people that go there, i still want to just fucking... talk to people, you know? and there's not a lot of places for a stay-at-home kinda dweebus like me to hang out, in my area. gamestop isn't exactly a social venue, yanno.

man, am i divulging too much? it feels like i am. oh well, i guess i can delete this whenever i want, but...

i dunno.

i don't wanna be forgotten. i really don't.

on that note, here's a deviantart journal post i wrote on march 7th, 2020, that i proceeded to immediately delete, but i kept a save of the page data because i'm weird and paranoid about forgetting things for some reason. it's pretty long. the title was "is anyone out there, listening?" so i'll use that as the title for this post, too, why not. this blog is kinda a 2.0 of that.

fuck, man, this is from two years ago. time flies when you're doing nothing with yourself, huh?

anyway, it's pretty depressing shit, it's a vent post from an angsty sad teenager being sad, so there's your warning. click off if you're not into that sorta stuff. you know you can do that whenever you want, right? at any time! it's wild.


it's something i think about a lot. i've never been anything remotely close to famous - hell, i think i have less than 200 followers on tumblr. and i'm glad for that- from everything i've heard, having all those eyes on you must be a mental hellscape

my existence being percievable to others is so alien to me as a concept that it kind of scares me. i've spent most of my life cooped up indoors, entirely of my own volition. i always said i didn't like being outside, but that's mostly just b/c i never went outside. and now that i gotta get my shit together and start figuring my life out, i HAVE to be outside, whether i like it or not. i have to step outside my comfort zone both literally and figuratively and the idea of that scares me so, so much.

part of me yearns for the days when being an internet nerd was seen as almost taboo. something geeky and sort of uncommon as an interest. maybe it's that aching for childhood joy that everyone gets every once in a while, or maybe i genuinely miss it when forum threads were more popular than facebook. i wouldnt know, i'm not great at deciphering this kinda stuff. i think psychology is real neat but when it comes to my own head, i get pretty confused trying to line everything up in a way that makes sense.

my brain tends to go faster than the rest of my body. my handwriting is a mess, and i tend to make typos often in regular conversation. i stumble over my words a lot. it's frustrating. my initial thought was that i was going to use this as a way to vent my frustrations with a mask, to scream when none of my supports are available to listen. but now, i'm- really scared? i'm scared. i'm scared at the thought of someone from my very real, physical life finding this, finding my name, and finding out everything that. they say that once it's put on the internet, it lasts forever. i don't believe it; a lot of the internet has been lost to time and assuming otherwise is foolhardy.

do i talk like a pretentious asshole? i feel like i do.

anyway, internet culture and life.

my physical life is so draining. every day is a struggle in ways i can't even begin to describe. and the worst part is that most of it is my fault, and there's not much i can do about it except try to change

but i wasn't raised right so i never had to figure out things like responsibility or discipline or anything like that. so now i'm well into my teens and soon to be an adult and i'm still operating on the logic of a little kid. it seeps into everything i think and do and say in the most uncomfortable ways. i was the one who locked themselves in, refused to change, and threw a tantrum every time someone suggested otherwise. and now i have to deal with the consequences of that!

but it's frustrating!

it's really fucking frustrating!

for the past 5 years of my entire god damned fucking life, i have been going round and round the ringer with mental health. i've been on at least a dozen different antidepressants, i've met a ton of therapists, and i know nearly every cognitive behavioral therapy technique like the back of my hand. reading the same shit about self care, meditation, mindfulness, satisfaction in life - i've heard it all before. i know what people are saying with this shit, and i'm tired of it. i just want to believe that life is worth living, but the world is practically falling to dust under my feet and i can't do jack or shit to stop it

five years, man.

five years is a long time for anybody, i think. but for me- that's nearly half my life. and most of my childhood is completely blank - i try to reach for memories of what it was like to be a kid, and all i get are vivid moments in between long stretches of void. five years. all i've ever known is locking myself away, drowning in self pity, and blaming everything but myself for my problems.

i am the arbiter of my own destruction.

ha, that's so fucking dramatic. if i read back some of my old journals, i'd probably think the same thing, too. i'm just treating it like those at this point. in middle school and freshman year of high school i'd carry around a lined notebook and write in it whenever i had free time, or usually just whenever i felt like. i didn't care about doing schoolwork, and i still don't. it was more important to me to get my feelings out in a way that felt like it mattered. and i would sooner eat glass than let someone read those old journals that smell like ink and dust. they're so deeply, deeply personal to me, and it was the darkest time of my life. i was legitimately suicidal. i hurt myself almost every day, even if it wasn't always bloody. i felt a pair of shadowy claws wrapping around my throat and strangling me until i couldn't breathe, and people were expecting me to be alive when i couldn't have felt more dead if i tried.

i almost miss it, weirdly enough.

not knowing why i'm like this. the ignorance-is-bliss but in the most fucked up way imaginable. i had friends, i was in a school that tolerated my nonsense and helped me get through it

but things changed, i switched schools (the district wanted to save money) and now i'm here, and i know why. i know why i'm like this, why i'm such a wreck, why i burst into tears at the thought of growing up. and i fucking hate it. people are piling their expectations onto me left and right and there's no fucking basis for any of it. i should have it easy- i had everything set up in my favor, but i didn't take any advantage of that! and i'm here, regretting how bad i squandered every single opportunity i was given, regretting everything i've ever done, in so so so so so so much pain because of my own fucking stupidity.

it's so strange to be journalling through text. usually if im ever this honest about how i feel, its to a close friend who id trust with my life. but here, im writing it all with the expectation that anyone who bothers to look up the word "rekanochi" will find it. they'll find me, they'll know me, they'll know some deeply intimate details that i would be absolutely mortified to hear someone in real life tell me about myself.

but do i care?

i want to say i do. if anyone is reading this, they're behind a screen just like i am. they're a person just like i am, thinking and reading and they have emotions and their own stories and junk. but that feeling of sonder doesn't work anymore when you're a nihilistic fucklord. my words start to slip into nonsense babbling, when you feel your own grip on your sanity slipping but you genuinely don't have the energy to try and remain comprehensible. this is word vomit, all of this. i doubt any of it would even make sense if someone read it.


i used to be in the discord server for /r/howtonotgiveafuck. i think it's a pretty nice life philosophy: don't worry about the things that aren't worth worrying about, essentially. the people there were nice and supportive. granted, a bunch of literal incels and a couple of nazis ended up there but at this point i'm accustomed to the inevitable cancerous spread of hate groups like that. i remember leaving because some fuckin goober i had hated for a while posted a long-ass copypasta explicitly making jokes out of marginalized people and i had just had enough. i wasn't all that active in the server anyways, and i never went on the subreddit.

but being there, being on that server, trying to convince myself just not to care, it left me with an undeniable scar. it creeps into everything i think. even when i'm trying my damned hardest to be productive, smiling, enjoying life, there's always that little whisper in the back of my throat. "You know all of this is pointless, right? You're not getting some grand prize at the end. This isn't a game." and i try to ignore it as best i can because i know it's not a good way to think but i've never been religious and i'm a firm believer of the whole 'everything in the universe is a grand series of mistakes' thing and i can't just CHANGE what i believe in. i can't pretend that there's a god up in the skies listening because i've never really truly believed that. at least not since i was a little kid

it's so exhausting, too. when everything you do is twinged with an undertone of spite. i want to do everything that people don't want me to do, just because i don't like conforming. i want to live out of rebellious bullshit. i want to start a revolution but without a reason. it doesn't mean anything, what my actual politics and beliefs are about life - they're just another way for me to rationalize it. constantly trying to excuse this deep, hulking urge to ruin everything for everyone around me. just to see what happens.

ugh, now i wanna start talking about my emotional convenience bullshit, but i'm tired and i wanna sleep. if i regret posting this in the morning, i'll just delete it. but i think it's important to keep logs and notes on everything that's happened, and its so so so important to me that my existence be preserved. i dont want to be forgotten, and in an age where its so insanely easy to preserve information - i want to build on that. i want to be one of the millions of stories people have to tell. i don't want to fall off the wayside and be forever irrelevant. saving information is so important to me and any time i think about a library burning i want to punch a wall.

i finished playing disco elysium today

originally posted on 6/19/22 2:48 PM

TITLE: i finished playing disco elysium today

it's a good game. i reccomend it.

other recommendations of mine include:

  • terraria
  • you find yourself in a room (this is an old flash game you can't find on kongregate anymore. the UUID is cb5eb10b-d6b3-4ae0-b382-ec55c01a88dd you can use that code on flashpoint, the flash game archival project, to play it.)
  • team fortress 2
  • katana zero
  • fallout: new vegas
  • epic battle fantasy 5
  • yakuza 7: like a dragon
  • yakuza kiwami 1 and 2
  • yakuza 0
  • west of loathing
  • hylics 1 and 2
  • poker night at the inventory
  • 2064: read only memories
  • firewatch
  • the coin game
  • unpacking
  • yuppie psycho
  • lisa: the painful
  • metal gear rising revengance
  • paradigm
  • phoenix wright franchise
  • portal 1 and 2
  • the red strings club
  • va-11 hall-a: cyberpunk bartending action
  • inscryption
  • plants vs zombies
  • who's lila?
  • the coin game
  • monster hunter: rise
  • hades

    all of these games are games that i've played. maybe i haven't finished them, or even get very far, but i did play them, and i liked them for one reason or another. it's not a comprehensive list of video games i've played, i don't think that exists. or can exist. i'm forgetful, and i watch a lot of let's plays (which don't really count?) and there's a lot of games that i like but haven't played yet for one reason or another.

    disco elysium is good. i might talk about video games more here, but i'm not very good at being autistic, so don't expect any galaxy brain takes or anything important. just me, baby!

    doesn't it make you sick?

    originally posted on 6/19/22, 2:57 PM

    i mean, all of it.

    look at it.

    the sun shines. the rays it pours down over the land are poison. standing in direct sunshine for too long makes me feel ill. i get nauseous, and a headache, and i want nothing more than to just go back inside.

    i wrote a bunch of bad comics over the summer of 2020, to cope with being cooped up inside all the time. not to say that i wasn't already, but it was moreso than usual, and there was the added morality of possibly being a vector for disease like a disease striken rat, so i stayed inside.

    here's the first one.

    it's pretty much 100% just a stupid #funnymeme about playing the new animal crossing instead of getting any of my schoolwork done, which was important to do, because i was teetering on the edge of not being allowed to graduate.

    i did graduate, for some reason. i think they just didn't want to bother with the paperwork trouble of holding me back. plus, i know me, and i know i would've just fucking dropped out at that point anyway. american public education system, folks! everyone knows it sucks and nobody singular can fix it. it's great.


    so it's 2022 now. covid is still running rampant, but everyone's tired of that, so they just pretend it doesn't exist and keep on keeping on as if hundreds of thousands of people aren't fucking dead because of your incompetence. what a story to tell the grandkids, huh? the hypothetical youth of the future i'll never get to speak to, cos i'll die before i'm 30.

    ugh. maybe i should lighten up a little. i came into this with the intention of being indulgently depressing. you know what i mean - where you're sad, and you're so comfortable in your sadness and you're so used to it, that you just want to revel in it for a little. it's that.

    it's not healthy, obviously. but neither is smoking, and i took that up recently, so who knows?

    i have a job now. or, uh, i will. starting tuesday, that's when we're doing the paperwork introductory stuff for about an hour. and then after that, wednesday, is my first shift. i'll hopefully have 20 hours consistently just about, every week, and i make minimum wage, so that's $13 an hour. that's fucking peanuts and not nearly enough, but nothing about society is fair or just and nobody seems all that interested in changing that. they just want to look good.

    i'm a jaded motherfucker, huh?

    catullus 16

    originally posted on 6/19/22 3:08 PM

    i've had this sitting in my WIPs for a few days and i'm kinda sick of looking at it so i'll post it today. sure, why not?

    this is a sparsely-edited rant to a close friend in discord DMs that i've copy+pasted here. i think the first time i talked about this was, like, 3/09/2021, but i can't 100% confirm that unless i go digging through old discord DMs, which i really don't feel like doing. anyway, here's some art i did that struck a chord in me to talk about this to begin with. i thought it'd make a fitting accompanyment.

    the filename for this says it was created august 10th, 2021, at 2:22:15 AM, and then later edited on march 17th of that same year at 9:51:34 AM. i added my signature and i jpeg'd it so i can prove that i have the quote en quote "original copy". not like an NFT or anything, just that i don't want my art stolen. anyway, this is a really personal piece, and i have a lot of other ones like it that i might talk about. i don't like having all this vent art and not sharing it, even if it IS pretty angsty depressing grimdark shit, comparatively.

    anyway, here's the stuff i said about a poem by a dead guy. ---

    so like, there's this poem, catullus 16. it's pretty important in literary history b/c it was written by an important roman poet of the same name, but it wasn't translated until like the 12th century because of how "filthy" it is. even then, it wasn't made public knowledge until the 20th century, because... i'll be honest, imo, it just isn't that gross. i know that i'm a youth and all, living in a progressive age of sexual freedom and all that, but like, i've read far, FAR worse. that's not really a brag so much as it is an admission of the internet desensitizing me, i guess.

    and, like, i'm not like a literature or art or history person, at least not in any professional sense. i'm pretty uneducated in the grand scheme of things, and most of the shit i know is knowledge acquired through vaguely-tangentially-related osmosis. so take what i say with a grain of salt, someone ventured in roman literary history is way more likely to be who you're gonna wanna ask about this. buuut back to what i was saying

    so anyway there's this musician/vocaloid producer/artist that i absolutely fucking ADORE - Ferry. they have this ongoing music video series called Parties Are For Losers which i might write a different post gushing about later but right now i'm talking about Hack Writer so here you go this is the song!

    the song is abt someone who writes as their occupation but theyre struggling to write for themselves/anything creatively fulfilling the top comment is from a guy named "james nicolas", and it reads: "the latin is from Catallus 16, a notoriously filthy latin poem whose translation wasn't released to the general public until the 20th century because of its content. people often claimed that all writing in ancient times was serious and philosophical in nature, etc, but the release of Catallus 16 proved them wrong. imo it resonates with what i think the main theme of being able to create for fun instead of just to please others or for the purpose of academia. sort of related, snake symbolism has signified creative life force for a long time."

    for those unaware, vocaloid is a vocal synthesizer program used for making music. Hatsune Miku's the most popular one and kinda the poster child for the whole thing as a whole. some other personal favorite producers of mine are GHOST & pals, CREEP-P (though they don't do vocaloid work anymore i'm pretty sure) and Vane!

    anyway so like

    here's the poem and it's approximate translation

    and, like, look, okay, personally i'm of the opinion that "i will sodomize and facefuck you" isn't that bad of vulgarity compared to some other shit i've read, but to pearl-clutching scholars in the 1800s or whatever i guess i could see the issue. plus, i guess there's like the cultural implication/association that getting fucked in the ass is a degrading act or whatever.

    either way, the point i was getting to was this:

    humans, right?

    like, okay, look, it's that "Humans Have Always Been Humans" quality that gets me riled up and emotional about how simply fucking beautiful it is to see art from so long ago resonate with us in the now, people who are living and breathing speaking to those who have been long gone, the inherent beauty and magic in communication across centuries and across rock tablets

    like yknow im a pretty sentimental person once you get right down to it. im a big lovey sap and i love humanity more than most people do. i think its the depression forcing me out of my bubble and into finding ways to really just appreciate how excellent it is of us to be the species that got to take over, not because of our strength or any elitist getting-evolution-wrong shit, but from our compassion, our ability to communicate, the way we can see an apex predator ready to kill us dead and we're still like OHHOHOGOHGOH FLUFFY WUFFY

    its so easy to be a nihilist, to be full of hate, to not give a shit and to just eat other people alive but the difference is to care and to put effort and to TRY, and thats what makes humans so wonderful

    but you know, we're not perfect at it. that's why we've still got problems, obviously imperfect flesh machines, carved by the careful and sloppy hand of god, we do not function so much as we work as a rube goldberg machine of nonsense my baggage, my sexuality, and my creativity are all so intertwined into one that i cant help but feel angelic, demonic, sexualized, edgy, cringey, pathetic, wonderful, incredible, sad it's so scary, isn't it? to communicate with others, to open your heart to that. it's so easy to be harmed. people who want to harm you can, and they will. we've all got teeth, don't we? and claws of our own, however dull they may be its hardly a coincidence, then, that people say that "the real world" will eat you alive call me pretentious, youre probably right i was talking with a friend of mine recently, i was saying how much more faithful he was than me. i thought back to our conversation about that, how im the kind of person who needs answers more than anything. its ironic, isnt it? you're much more of a nihilist than i am, and this one friend is certainly more misanthropic than ive been. he's a wonderful person, but self admittedly a bit selfish at times and he hardly gives people the benefit of the doubt but he still accepts things at face value. sometimes, things are just the way they are i need answers, personally if i can understand it, explain it, put words to it, then it isn't so scary anymore. and when your life has been nothing but escapism, diving into fiction and a brand new shining way to ignore reality, you do anything you can to stop being so scared. i've been so sheltered, so unaware, and it leaves me absolutely terrified standards of quality are something i'll always have gripes about. my ex told me to quit art because i didn't like doing it. he was awful to me in that way and so many more im not going to get into, but he really communicated to me, intentional or not, that my art wasn't worth it, that it didnt bother needing to exist

    i'm a hoarder. in another world, i'm an archivist. i think all of the beauty of human creation deserves to be saved, preserved. i express that through thoth. unsurprisingly enough, my characters have chunks of my soul in them! i think the burning of books and throwing away of art is horrendous. it's a tragedy. there's always something to be gained from keeping things around, from learning. the pursuit of knowledge is an infinite pursuit. my friend asked me, if i knew everything, would i be happy? i've been thinking about that. would i be? i don't think so, but it's not like it's possible to know everything, to begin with! i don't exactly enjoy arguing hypotheticals on any serious basis, since you'll always be lacking critical context that actual real life situations contain there's always another way, always another route why does my art need to be good? why do i need to adhere it to 'objective' standards, rules thought up by people who's opinions i might not even trust? is the beauty of creation in it of itself not good enough? my efforts, my existence, they are beautiful. i am worthy and deserving of praise, just as much as anyone else. if my friend's art is to be saved, so is mine! so is my sister's, so is yours! there's an excellence, a beauty in creation, one that i find severely underappreciated. sure, butch hartman's a piece of shit, but is there not something to be learned from him and his nonsense? there's always something you can gain. equivalent exchange, and all that as above, so below you can take, you can give you are a conduit of creativity and consciousness eldritch in nature; inexplicable, terrifying by virtue of the mere fact that we cannot solidly prove anything, let alone your existence but you feel, don't you? you feel! you feel, and you should feel!

    when i give my cat simon a kiss on his sweet little forehead, i am telling him, speaking into the universe, i love him. i feel affection for him, and he matters to me

    isn't that wonderful?

    i think... magic is real.

    but not quite in the ways that $50 tarot peddling back alley neon sign psychics say. or that middle aged woman selling essential oils and dyed slag glass, claiming they're crystals that will heal your soul with vibrations

    magic is physics, magic is life, it is always, it is evermoving

    the mere concept of chaos

    to channel that, to channel what is ostensibly infinite and incomprehensible into something

    simple, something readable, watchable

    that's wonderful

    it's beautiful

    i love humans

    a fleshy mass born of stardust and the earth, clever and creative

    it really is a shame we haven't found life on other planets, yet

    you want to know something that really gets to me?

    how sweet is this? how wonderfully, heart achingly beautiful?

    we sent a craft into the stars, and we said

    "hello! please contact us if you can, we'd love to meet you!"

    my heart aches. i'll always have the woes of anyone else on this planet, but

    i love you. i love myself. i love, i love, i love! ---


    i'm more jaded than that now. cynical, lost, depressed, angry, etc.

    i might talk about that. right now i just want to be done with this post specifically.

    amnesia is a common trope but to me, personally, it reads as a nightmare scenario

    originally posted on 6/19/22, 3:15 PM

    i think i've made it clear so far that i'm scared to lose things.

    i'm scared of getting any more lost than i already am.

    and i'm scared of being forgotten. and to lose memories and stuff.

    i don't think i'm going to post any more of my vent art here. if nothing else, just because i dislike the formatting, and i can't rely that blogger will exist 20 years from now.

    i have a pretty busy week, starting tomorrow. i have two job interviews on monday, therapy and job intro shit on tuesday, and 3 shifts of work on a few other days. you might be wondering why i'm still taking job interviews? oh, well it's pretty simple: working retail makes people want to kill themselves, and i'm already trying to avoid that as much as i can. sometimes you just gotta buckle down and do what you gotta do, but if i can do that and get paid better or get better benefits, i'd like to do that.

    i should clip my nails, they're getting long again

    i've been aching for a smoke again, it's just hemp but i'm still keeping myself to one a day. i don't really know why. it's not like my health's at all my concern. i wonder if any of my friends'll find this blog? hey, friends! hi, hello. i'm sorry you have to see this raw undulating face of me. it's not a very pleasant one. i try to hide it for a reason.

    ah, fuck, i need a new psychiatrist. but those cost money and it's money i don't have and i don't think i can ask for.


    i feel like a fool.

    for different reasons, mind.

    i wanna go back to bed, but it's like, 3 pm.

    huh, whuh, it's july?

    originally posted on on 7/24/22 12:42 AM

    i was thinking over some of the stuff that i wanted to get done and i remembered that i had this blog, which i specifically made for the purpose of getting my thoughts out on paper (metaphorically speaking) and that i completely forgot to touch this thing for like a month straight

    in my defense:

    i have been very distracted!

    with artfight!

    i like artfight. it's a really fun annual event and it's one of the most unapologetically aggressively positive communities out there. it's so nice, like, genuinely it has been a HUGE part in getting me out of my comfort zone artistically and branching out and just fucking having fun with art. that's something i have a lot of trouble with, so doing artfight the past couple of years has been great, especially this year, where i've done WAY more attacks than i did the past two years. it just makes me happy, and stuff like that is really valuable in a world like this one.

    here's mine, if you're curious

    and here's some thoughts i scribbled on the matter, of the 3rd of this month, in ms paint, as i so often do when i'm having a moment

    i'm in a way better place right now than i was when i wrote this, and i'd like to think my general attitude has improved, but yeah, i have a bad history of getting easily discouraged when it comes to artistic endeavors. a lot of my friends are artists, and i used to have a really bad problem of envying them or their skills or god knows what else. but in my short time on this planet, i've kinda come to understand that the best way to deal with jealousy is to just fuckin' drop it, man. envy is an emotion that you don't entertain, because it's bullshit, you know it's bullshit, and it's a waste of time to indulge in that kind of poison.

    i'm sort of half assedly cleaning my desk as i type this, like picking up trash and tossing it between paragraphs, because it's 12:30 in the motherfucking AM and i can't sleep. it's way too hot out, and my room doesn't have the luxury of proper air conditioning like the rest of the house does. i'm wearing earplugs because i was going to go to sleep with them on, since i had the window open but there were crickets outside and i sleep better in total silence, and i wanted the breeze if it ever rolled in, like it's always better to have air ventilation than no air ventilation, you know? but i've kept them in while i've been cleaning the past half hour or so (like i said, very half-assedly) because i like quiet and i don't get it very often.

    a huge inspiration to me is hyperbole and a half. i bought the book edition cos i saw it at barnes and noble and i was like oh shit and i skimmed through it and it felt like a good time so i bought it and read the whole thing. i don't know where my copy of the thing is, though.

    there's a lot of reading i've been meaning to get done. and watching, too. i have an entire excel spreadsheet of shows i want to watch. and a letterboxd full of movies i wanna watch. and all these books i wanna read. and all these games i wanna play. it gets a little overwhelming sometimes! like, having so many interests, having such a broad interest in everything because of the kind of person i am and because i value information and learning and shit, like... i get paralyzed by all the choice.

    and then i just go and play some more monster hunter or something.

    i've got a few comfort games like that. i vary them up from time to time but i've always got at least one thing my mind's gonna drift back towards when i'm not thinking about other stuff. right now it's a mix of monster hunter rise (sunbreak is SO GOOD you guys), bug fables (its so cute!!!!!!) and no man's sky (endurance update fuck yes fuck yes)

    it's kind of funny. video games are my special interest, as an autistic person, and they pretty much always have been. i'm really hoping youtube doesn't like, spontaneously explode in a few years or something, because then this link will be useless, but i owe it all to another person who may or may not be autistic about video games. i think he's mentioned it once, maybe? but i highly suspect it to be the case, just by virtue of the lengths he goes through for his lps.

    check this shit out

    i owe this guy everything. seriously. like, i've never met him, my relationship with this youtuber who plays video games is entirely parasocial, but it's thanks to this one guy that i've grown up to love video games as much as i have, and everything that comes with that. isn't that wild? like, he's been doing let's plays of games for well over a decade, he's STILL GOING, and his content is seriously some of the most thoughtful and well made let's plays of a BUNCH of games that've ever existed. the amount of time and energy and research put into every video is astonishing, and i really admire chuggaa's dedication to the craft. like, how wild is that? elevating something so simple as recording yourself playing funny mario game into a craft.

    i have a lot of thoughts about chuggaaconroy, and about let's plays in general, and actually just about internet history and culture? like, i've been meaning to write some essays on the matter, but that means a lot of fact checking and reviewing your work and stuff, and i kind of prefer to just ramble incoherently and filter out the good shit from the bad shit, so to speak. my brain's always running at 11, man. i've been typing for 10 minutes. like maybe i'm tuckered out enough to try to get some sleep now but NAH MAN i'm on a ROLL we're DOING THIS


    that said, i actually don't know what else to talk about in this immediate moment

    huh. funny how that works out.

    btw, is anyone reading this? let me know if you are, future-person! i'd love to talk to you and hear what you think. inane ramblings from a mentally ill teenager sure must be interesting to read if you've stuck around this long, huh? :P

    OH BTW

    originally posted on 7/24/22 12:53 AM

    that job i mentioned getting a few posts ago, with consistently 20 hours a week?

    haha yeah nah that didn't work out. i worked 3 hours and then i gave up because it was a fast fashion big box corporate retail store that was mismanaged to shit and nobody bothered telling me what the hell i was doing. it was kind of a nightmare and i don't regret quitting.

    anyway, i feel like i should use this post for something more important than just mentioning that, soooo uhhh

    here's my tumblr

    here's my steam

    here's my twitter

    and here's my embarrassingly bittersweet, emotionally honest and desperately optimistic positivity blog (also on tumblr)

    i'm probably absolutely kicking myself in the nuts right now by linking my stuff together like that, but i've been open about using the same username on everything for years anyways, and it's not like i'm a pedophile or anything? so i don't have a whole lot to be worried about people "finding out" about, i don't think.

    i mean, i was a huge asshole on wikia, back in the day. but in my defense i was literally like, 10, 11, and also i was going through this huge elitist atheist phase and it was just a hot mess altogether. i'm glad i axed my old deviantart account, though, whoof. different username than rekanochi though.


    here's a photo of some graffiti i took in asbury park, NJ, that means a lot to me, cos i was thinking about it when i was putting in the link for my positivity blog

    i don't think i got a better shot than this one, and it's been a few years, so it's probably been washed off at this point. i never met sarah, i have no idea who they are.

    but it's always stuck with me, you know?

    some things just kind of do that. it's cool.


    originally posted on 8/3/22 12:51 PM

    this one's gonna be heavy. no judgement if you skip out on this one, folks.

    so like, early on in my days on the internet, i was a lot less shy about posting stuff. i mostly hung out on a few fandom wikis - club penguin, don't starve, animal jam. sometimes other random ass ones for whatever reason. i was, like, 10, 11, and i was going through this ridiculous-ass elitist atheist phase where i argued with christians on deviantart about abortion. (for the record, i was pro-choice. still am, but like, i'm less annoying about it now? lol)

    funnily enough, if i kept up that shit, i probably would've ended up falling down the alt-right youtube pipeline someday, but i kind of realized i had my head up my ass and i'm working through some of that stuff to this day. lots of christian atheism, you know, like, the dudebro "haha GOTCHA" kinda shit that people without hobbies did a lot of.

    anyway, so on wikia, i met a few friends. i'm in sort of contact with a handful of them, but for the most part i've either cut contact for one reason or another, or we've just drifted over the years naturally. such is the way.

    one of them was hound.

    i'm sure you could figure out who exactly this person was if you were, say, a huge creep, and wanted to dig through our respective internet histories and find the obituary of this guy, i guess? but don't do that.


    for his sake. for my sake. don't.

    anyway, hound.

    he was a friend and i miss him.

    it's kind of painful, but i went to look back in our DMs to get the exact dates and some screenshots of some of the stuff we said to eachother. you could probably write a poem about that. the way that the internet leaves ghosts behind. i'm sure i could if i wasn't so tired from the summer heat.

    here's the last conversation we had before he passed:

    he was in the hospital for a long time, see. he told me he got sick of seeing the same view from his window every day, so i made the effort to send him photos of cool stuff that i'd seen. just around my neighborhood; i live in a woodsy area, so there's lots of trees and flora and everything looks pretty blanketed in snow. looking back, i think that was nice of me to do, or maybe not. i don't know. i just wanted him to feel better.

    it is... 8/3/2022, as of writing this. august 3rd of 2022 on the gregorian calendar.

    his birthday was a little over last week, according to the comments on his steam profile. people were wishing him a happy birthday.

    and like... i don't know. i miss him. i miss him a lot. i miss him more than maybe i should. we weren't very close but he was a friend of mine and he mattered to me and i was really hoping with all the guts i had that he'd get better. but he didn't, and now he's gone, and for some reason i can't bring myself to hit that 'unfriend' button on his steam profile or his discord.

    i don't know. is it normal to grieve over an acquaintance? a friend you wish you were closer with?

    he recommended me this game, bug fables. it's heavily inspired by paper mario, and it's about cute bugs, and it's one of those things that's a perfect cocktail mix aimed directly at me and my tastes and the things that i like in video games. you ever get stuff like that? where you see a piece of media, and you go, "oh, shit, this was MADE for ME." not in a literal narcissistic prophetic sense, but more abstract, just appreciating that this thing that you found has all these hallmarks of things that you like.

    i didn't play bug fables for a while. i only bought it a little while ago, when it was on sale.

    i bought it along with a handful of other games during the steam summer sale, because i remembered he mentioned it and it looked fun and cute and like something i wanted to play.

    i'm a good chunk through the game. if i had to guess, maybe, like, 2/3 of the way through? something like that. i'm definitely getting some endgame vibes from where i'm at, 30something hours in.

    it is kind of funny, i guess? i've played for about double the amount of time that he did.

    there's some cool stuff that happens in the plot that i wish i could tell him about. i don't think he ever beat it and i don't want to go through our DMs and check because i don't want to hear the conversations of a past cringeworthy me and a ghost that i desperately wish i could properly give my goodbyes.

    maybe this is selfish. maybe i'm a bad person. i kind of feel like one. like, "ooh, using your internet platform to talk about something uber personal and process your grief! how very poor taste of you, mister definitely famous rekanochi man!"

    blah, i know that's just my mental illness bullshit talking. you ever get that? where your emotions are pulling in the complete opposite direction that your rational brain is, so you start saying shit that's so incredibly NOT what you meant but it slips out anyway and you have to explain, no, you didn't mean that, you're just deranged.

    i'm deranged, is my point. i have a diagnosis list like a CVS receipt and i think too much.

    i don't know.

    this wouldn't make for a very good funeral speech. if this was supposed to be a sendoff, i'd be a lot less selfish about it. but this is my blog and i'm just trying to wrap my head around how i feel.

    i hope his family's okay.

    miss you, hound. hope whatever's going on in that great beyond is a good time.

    i'm gonna go cry now i think.

    beep boop badoop

    originally posted on 8/10/22 12:59 PM

    i have a job now! starting in a few hours, i work at a shoe store. i'm pretty excited, it's a place i go to all the time (well, whenever i need shoes, which isn't super often really) and i'm looking forward to doing something with my time again, and hopefully making some friends.

    haha, wow, that sounds corny as hell. i mean, all optimistic statements kinda do. positivity in general feels very embarrassing and i still can't figure out why.

    anyway, uh, this was originally a draft from about a week ago, but i cut out some of the sucky self talk parts that were super self deprecating. it just got me down even glancing at the thing so it'd probably get you down to read it, and i'm trying to be a net positive influence on the planet.

    anyway, um, this only really means anything to me, but i beat bug fables. i haven't 100%'d it yet, i don't think i'm going to, but i beat the final boss and i got the big party celebration at the end and the "THE END" screen.

    it feels weird to say that. i don't always play games through to completion. hell, most of the time i don't even play games that can be completed in the first place.

    so it's pretty weird to have that, there, at a pretty clean 50 hour mark of playtime.

    miss you, hound. i did it for you.

    writing, game development, symptoms of mental illness, and fighting games

    originally posted on 8/28/22 7:34 PM

    i have this sort of unhealthy obsession with creating a magnum opus

    i have all these characters in this wonderful world i've built, but no story to pull them through it

    i have some ideas but it's all kind of amorphous

    honestly, i don't really know what i'm doing. not that anybody does, but at least someone like toby fox has some kind of vision, some kind of end goal that they have in mind when they create. whenever i do that, whenever i try to get to the destination, the journey there is always fucking miserable. and if i try to focus on the journey, i get so overwhelmingly frustrated that i contemplate bashing my face into a wall until it turns to bloody pulp.

    but, hey, i'm mentally ill and i have a problem where i don't ever finish anything. honestly, you should be surprised and impressed if these words ever make it to your screen. originally i was going to write this as a monologue or something for a game idea i had, but that's about where it ended;
    an idea
    that's kind of how it always goes
    just ends as an idea
    maybe a bullet on a list

    even once i've actually done something, it doesn't feel like i've accomplished much of anything. in one of my darker moments i've thought to myself, "i could kill all of my best friends. and i would get away with it"

    obviously i wouldn't? nor do i want to???????? that's a fucking deranged thing to say. i don't want to hurt any of my friends at all, ever! and the more i say that and defend that, the more guilty i feel for implying that such a position (wanting to hurt the people you care about) is something that could exist and that i'm being defensive over it shows that i'm guilty of it.
    anxiety, man. anyway.

    part of having a low self esteem is that it flavors how you talk to other people. like, you know, there's the regular self-deprecating-jokes, there's the kinds of people who say shit like "i want to kill myself" far too casually in regular conversation like that's something you can just drop at-

    a fawn just passed by my window as i was typing this. you can tell, i think, from the spots. white-tailed deer have white spots on their fur when they're young and it was a lanky little guy anyway. anyway, what was i saying?

    oh, yeah.

    so like, people think it's quirky and cute or whatever to be mean. or to say how much they suck. because making art and being a person means submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known and there's nothing scarier on the planet than the possibility, the uncertainty, that things could go terribly wrong and everyone will eat you alive.

    i had a coworker a few years ago who would joke about killing herself all the time. we're not friends, i don't even remember her name, i barely remember her face. but i remember that she kept saying that shit, and i went to high school with a bunch of other depressed fuckups, so it's not like it's anything i haven't heard before, but it's all shit that i've gotten really sick of hearing. i try to iron it out of my own vocabulary, but my mileage has varied a lot in terms of success with that.

    now we're living in this weird time and place in history where pseudo-post-dadaism runs through the silicon veins of the amalgamated human hivemind and leaves nothing but fucking screaming behind. i don't know how you're supposed to cope. i don't know how anyone copes. the internet is such a new thing. so much technology and so much progress is being made and none of it makes any sense and there's no historical pretense for any of it. and yet, we're still sitting here, on the eve of a third world war, where countries with nukes and shit are just foaming at the mouth looking for excuses to commit acts of violence

    i don't like war stories. this is something i've been talking about with a friend, recently, a lot, and i just don't like them. stories that take place during a war are all fine and dandy. but stories ABOUT a war, LIVING THROUGH that war, being a SOLDIER of that war- i can't do those. i just can't. it's too much. i just wish i knew what to do, you know?

    so many people have so much CERTAINTY about who they are. what the rules are. what they're going to do, who they want to be. they see a path, or they carve it out themselves, or they take one well worn and already travelled. there's A PATH. there's a road. there's any kind of road. there's any kind of way to step forward, and then you're one step closer to your destination.

    i don't think i understand time. i don't perceive it right. it might be the autism, it might be the adhd, who fucking knows at this point, but whatever ingredients in this cocktail mixer brain sludge sloshing around in my skull that leads me to this point makes it hard for me to understand the concept of something "in the future" and hard to understand that my memories are "the past" and that right now is "the present." i don't like any of those. the present feels like it goes on and on and on and on. my memory's a bit shit, i'll forget what i'm talking about mid sentence and my memories of most of my life are really hazy. it's just vivid sensations cut between gigantic masses of fog. it's all blurry.

    and then, what, the future?

    buddy, i was expecting to have killed myself by now.

    i don't have a future.

    i don't see one. i just don't understand the concept. my friends talk about what they'll be doing in a few years, and it literally doesn't occur to me that they'd even think about stuff like that. the idea of "saving for retirement" makes me laugh.

    the more i talk, the more i realize how depressing of a person i am. maybe that's not the right word for it. maybe i'm not "depressing" so much as "deeply concerning".

    that friend i mentioned earlier, who i've been talking about war stories with. we had a conversation about some heavy stuff. she has this incredible ability to understand people in ways that i wish i could, and honestly i kind of envy her for having. she's not the best at communicating things through words, but she just sort of knows how people are feeling. she can get a read on them, and more often than not, she's right about it. i tell her she's extremely emotionally intelligent, but i don't know how much she believes me. i hope she does. she's always talking down on herself about being dumb for other stuff. i want her to understand that she's not dumb, she's just smart in ways that aren't so obvious. having a good eye for media comprehension and criticism or knowing how people feel isn't the same kind of in-your-face-smart like chemistry or whatever is. but it's still smart. it's still brilliant.

    anyway, uhh

    she's a good friend of mine. she tells me a lot of things about myself. i value people that can sit me down and tell me, to my face, that i'm being irrational or whatever. the fact of the matter is that i have a bad habit of blowing things out of proportion, and i don't always see things clearly, so people in my life who can ground me in one way or another i appreciate a lot.

    she tells me that i don't take myself seriously

    and that's it

    that's all that it ever was.

    on another note

    i've been having a pretty rough losing streak in guilty gear strive lately. i'm going to a tournament in a few days, and i'm excited, but i don't really know how well i'll do. i've been playing a bit of GGST every day to keep my skills sharp, but i keep losing. i'm a bad sport, plain and simple, and i get really frustrated and upset if i lose. especially if i keep losing. it's disheartening and it makes me feel like shit.

    so, uh, going to a TOURNAMENT is maybe a bad idea, but i think it's a good idea to try to branch out more. hopefully i'll make some friends, even??? who knows, man. socializing is hard, i just want to get out of the house. i'm not a competitive person by any means, considering how much i hate losing and winning feels so fleeting. but i still want friends. i want people. i want to be around people. i don't want to be so alone anymore.

    i swear i had more to say when i started writing this. i think i might've blown out of steam about it.

    god, i wish i had the stamina to finish things like animatics or little video games or whatever else. "i wish i had the skills but i have no willpower to do all the rest." you know, brian david gilbert, a guy who's made things and has things that people know him about and he's not like uber famous but he makes things


    i'd give anything to make things

    my art feels like it's carved out of chunks of my own flesh and nothing feels more despicable

    i can't ever look at something and just be happy with it. just accept that it exists, let alone that it's good. it's something i struggle with so much. sometimes i'll like something but i'll never love it. art is an extension of you, it is a container with which to hold a tiny piece of your soul, and my hands are too shaky to even deform that container into a shape i like. it's just me, it's me and raw and ugly about it, it's me and it never fucking goes right or looks right or anything

    i'm a needy person

    it kind of sucks

    i'm trying to claw my way out of this grave i've dug myself but god sometimes i'd really just like if i could let go of the dirt and fall and go back to sleep

    my hands hurt from holding on so hard, like when you hold heavy groceries in bags and they dig in your fingers

    i wish i could cry but that's the sort of thing i can't force. it happens when it happens and usually i try to swallow it down when it does because i don't want anyone to hear me.

    i don't know what else to say. i don't have any closing thoughts. i was gonna play some more guilty gear but i'm still butthurt about losing a bunch lately so i'm not gonna do that. and then, i think, oh, maybe i could work on that rpgmaker2003 thing i have, but that's really just me fucking around in aseprite and shit. i don't know how to make games and i'm scared to try because whenever i start i'm just shoving my face into the ocean and i keep fucking up and i don't have anyone to teach me or the energy to push through and teach myself.

    god, i fucking hate being depressed.